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Sunday, August 3, 2014

4, 3, 2, 1....BLAST OFF {to school sale}

It's that time of year when the teachers are just as anxious as the students to start the school year. What most students, and parents, do not realize is that most teachers have already gone back to work. There's classrooms to be set up, lessons to be planned, curriculum to learn, data to assess, copies to be made, and a long, long laundry list of 52,000 more things to do. There is also a ton of money spent, by teachers themselves, in preparation of school starting. 
Which is why Teachers Pay Teachers is throwing their annual back to school sale. It is also why I have put all of my back to school items on sale, as well as my $5 and $10 bundles. The sale is August 4-5 only, so start searching for those must-have items now!

I'm going to be doing some back to school giveaways in the near future, so stay tuned. 


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